Contact Information

General Contact

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on how we can improve Auction Wizard® 2000, please contact us. Our Email address is:

Make sure that your spam filter is either disabled or configured to allow emails from

We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.

Technical Support

Before contacting our technical support staff check the Announcement Board to see if a program update is available. If you have the latest version of Auction Wizard 2000 installed, check the "Troubleshooting" and "Frequently Asked Questions" sections in the help file. Solutions to many common problems can be found there. There are also discussion boards where you can ask questions and share ideas with other Auction Wizard 2000 users.

You can reach our technical support staff via Email at:

Make sure that your spam filter is either disabled or configured to allow emails from

Please include the Build Number and Update Level of the software in your email message. They can be found by selecting Help | About... from the Auction Wizard 2000 menu bar.

Include the full text of any error messages you are receiving. If possible, include a description of the steps needed to reproduce the error.

If you are having problems configuring an Email Account or FTP Account, please include the name of the provider of the service. This helps us to research the proper settings.