Download Auction Wizard 2000

Thank you for deciding to put Auction Wizard® 2000 to the test. What you are about to download is the commercial release version of the program which will remain fully functional for 60 days. No disabled features, no limit to the number of auctions you can manage with it, and no obligation to buy it during your trial period.

We are confident that, during your 60 days of evaluation, Auction Wizard 2000 will increase your productivity to such a level that you will have earned enough money to easily justify the price of the software. But don't just take our word for it! Try it - really try it - before you buy it.

Download the software, install it, and put it through its paces. Make sure for yourself that it functions properly on your computer and that it does everything you want it to do. Go ahead, you'll have 60 days to see the proof. Then, and only then, should you register. There's a screen in the program which will remind you where and how to do it. You can register your copy through PayPal - the web's easy, secure, and convenient payment system.

If you're not satisfied for any reason during your trial period, simply uninstall Auction Wizard 2000 and accept our thanks for trying it.

Download Instructions

  1. Print this page for ready reference during the download and installation process.

  2. Click the link below and make a note of the directory into which you store the program. The program you are downloading will install Auction Wizard 2000 on your computer.

  3. When you have finished downloading, close all open programs.

  4. Open the Windows Explorer (or File Explorer) and navigate into the folder where you downloaded the installer.

  5. Right click on the "Aw2kSetup.exe" file and select "Run as administrator" from the popup menu.

  6. If Windows asks if changes can be made to your computer, click the "Yes" button. The Auction Wizard 2000 Setup dialog box will appear, to confirm that you want to install.

  7. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.


To download Auction Wizard 2000

After you have installed Auction Wizard 2000, click the Windows Start button and select Programs | Auction Wizard 2000 | Auction Wizard 2000 from the "Start" menu to run it.

A tutorial is included to walk you through configuring and using Auction Wizard 2000. Access the tutorial by selecting Help | Getting Started Tutorial from the program's menu bar.